Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat
Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat

Reusable and Eco-Friendly Dog Mat

Prezzo normale168,00 kr

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Are you still using disposable pee pads? They leak everywhere, have a bad odor every two days, and need to be constantly replaced. Plus, they are harmful to the environment and cost you a lot of money just because they are disposable.

Wouldn't it be really useful to have a pad that is:

  • Reusable.
  • Waterproof and odorless.
  • Durable and non-slip.
  • Saves money.
  • Lasts for a year.
  • 100% eco-friendly.

That's why we created our reusable dog pad - the LAST dog pad you'll ever buy!

Reusable dog pad GIF image

The reusable dog pad ensures that you don't need to buy new disposable pads every week. In the long run, you will save a lot of money with these reusable pads, but that’s just the beginning of the benefits. Your pet will love these pads as they are really comfortable for sitting or lying down.


  • MULTIPLE USES - Perfect for puppy training and education, protecting crates and carriers during travel, whelping, incontinence, sick/diabetic dogs, protecting furniture and carpets from pet hair and dirt, lining kennels and dog houses, placing under bowls and litter boxes, and for traveling with your puppy!
  • MONEY SAVINGS AND WASTE REDUCTION COMPARED TO DISPOSABLES - Not only is it more eco-friendly than disposable pads, but it also saves you $1000 compared to disposable puppy pee pads thanks to our one-time cost and multiple wash durability. Moreover, you won’t have to worry about the mess caused by disposable items all day long.

  • Four innovative layers - This reusable pad features a breathable, padded top layer for comfort, a super absorbent core that traps moisture, a waterproof PVC mattress pad, and a non-slip backing for safety.
  • MACHINE WASHABLE AND REVERSIBLE - Machine washable, this pad is safe and highly durable, making cleaning easy, quick, and efficient. Most importantly, with regular maintenance, it retains no odor or stains.
  • BEST ABSORPTION AND ODOR CONTROL - It absorbs and retains urine and odor better than other dog pads for longer indoor stays and prevents stains to protect your floors and carpets while keeping them dry.

Our Guarantee

Experience the benefits of OnlineDeals for yourself. The product doesn't meet your expectations? Return the product within 14 days and we will refund you immediately! Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so if you are not satisfied, we will do our best to help you!

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  • Acquistare con fiducia: Concept Aventuro si propone di offrire un'esperienza di acquisto senza soluzione di continuità, assicurando che la vostra soddisfazione sia sempre la nostra massima priorità.

Informazioni su Concept Aventuro

Concept Aventuro, fondato da Oscar e Paula, offre una collezione unica di moda, accessori per la casa e gadget. In qualità di grande marchio online, qualità, stile e sostenibilità sono al centro della nostra attenzione.

Scoprite le ultime tendenze e approfittate del nostro eccellente servizio clienti. La vostra soddisfazione è il nostro orgoglio e la nostra gioia. Benvenuti su Concept Aventuro

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